Export data from website

Easily export a list of members of a group

If you want a list of participants, you'll need a listpublish. Here, you can read how to make a listpublish which you can print and edit in Excel or Numbers.


Publiek in De Duif - Het publiek van KJO9 maakt zich klaar voor de eerste presentaties. Er was weer een volle zaal met geïnteresseerden uit de kunst, cultuur en erfgoed sector.

It's possbile to export a list of participants from the website. If you do this, you'll create a CSV file which you can open in Numbers or Excel, for example.

To do this, go to the event page and write down the ID number,

Now, go to the admin and create a new listpublish, and follow these steps:

  • Add a title
  • Go to the tab ?query (or ?zoekvraag in Dutch).
  • Go to 'Kind & Type' and click 'Person' under 'Kind'
  • Scroll down to 'Which matcher to use'
  • Click 'use the fast matcher (ignore the match tab settings)
  • Go to "Children'
  • Fill in the ID number of the event page, and add '::participant'

for example: fill in 49312::participant

Now click Publish at the top (or bottom) of the page.

We can now export this listpublish.

To do this, you'll need administrator rights to the website. If you don't have rights, go to the passwords page and find the administrator password.
Now go to www.mediamatic.nl/module/Export (you can replace mediamatic.nl for any other Anymeta website). Make sure you type Export with a capitol E.

You'll now see the page 'Download Thing Selections As Files'
Find the listpublish you just made and select it. Note: you can only export one listpublish at a time.

You can add columns that you need. Below is a list with the columns that you can add to an export file:

  • thg_id
  • text.title
  • name.first
  • name.last
  • text.organization
  • user.email (dit werkt niet bij open-ci)
  • adress.email (normal email in profile)(dit werkt niet bij open-ci)
  • address.line1
  • address.line2
  • address.postcode
  • address.city
  • address.country
  • WORKS_FOR.0.text.title
  • WORKS_FOR.0.address.line1
  • WORKS_FOR.0.address.postcode
  • WORKS_FOR.0.address.city
  • modify_date
  • create_date
  • PRESENTED_AT.edge.date_start
  • type.symbolic
  • coverage.geometry_lat
  • coverage.geometry_long

Select your file format

The only download format you can choose is CSV, so select that. You don't have to change the character set. You can now click 'Download File'.

Now, your computer will ask you to save the file, or open it with Open Office. DO NOT CLICK SAVE! It's much easier to open the file right away; it will still be saved in your Downloads folder, but it will open in the proper format.