Kati Kärki

Kati Kärki was born in Finland, she studied Fine Art in the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and now holds residence in Amsterdam. Her explorations in art have taken her through a combination of media, - from photography and printmaking, to sculptural furniture, writing and spoken word. Also she arranges discursive events that manifest in social gatherings, providing intimate settings for discussions about and around art. Her investigations in her visual practice can be described as an obsession with light, time and space and the human minds’ reflections about them. She is questioning how looking and perception constitute in giving meaning and providing form to the mental and physical space we are living in. Her work places itself between the lines of conceptual thinking and visual tactility, using different methods to create conditions for ephemeral things to be brought to more palpable form.

More at Teto Projects and her website.

Contact informatie

  • Kati Kärki