Diederik Klomberg

Visual artist

Diederik Klomberg is a visual artist who lives and works in Rotterdam since 1990. He studied graphic art at the Koninklijke Academie voor beeldende kunst en vormgeving in ‘s- Hertogenbosch and at Jan van Eyck Academie in Maastricht. After his graduation Klomberg realized environmental installations in several musea, artist-initiatives and commissions in public space such as the “Droog Water“-project at the Zuid-As in Amsterdam from 2003, at the Stadsgevangenis in Hoogvliet 2001 or the “Zen in ’t Bat“ in Venlo last year in collaborator with Nico Parlevliet. Diederik is teacher at AVANS Hogeschool in Breda and tought at several Art-academies in the past few years. Visit his website for more information on projects.

Contact informatie

  • Diederik Klomberg