Jalila Essaidi

Born in 1980, Jalila Essaïdi is an artist living and working in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Working with modern biotechnology, through the biological arts (BioArt), she focuses on topics that are relevant today. This way Essaïdi shapes an alternative perspective on the social, political, ethical, and cultural issues resulting from an ever changing world.

Essaïdi is founder and director of the BioArt Laboratories Foundation and director of Inspidere®; BioArt Teacher at Fontys Hogescholen voor de kunsten; advisory board member for Media&Arts at the Lifeboat Foundation and Author of i.a. “Bulletproof Skin, Exploring Boundaries by Piercing Barriers”. Essaïdi, was precedently owner at Essaïdi CosMedix; delegation member of the Province of Noord-Brabant for the candidacy of the European Cultural Capital.

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  • Jalila Essaidi