Ina Arends

Ad!dict Creative Lab, an international network based in Brussels, is considered a pioneer in the Creative Industry. Gathering more than 4,000 members from more than 32 disciplines, this creative lab concept attempts to play a role on several different levels: discovering and accelerating creative talent by giving it qualitative platforms, stimulating innovation by creating a positive and dynamic surrounding, enhancing social awareness and linking design and corporate branding to globalism and social responsibility.

Addict Inspirationbook already exists 8 years. The magazine comes out twice a year, open source, creatives from all over the world, research on a certain topic.
In developement issue #26 GAMING out in november.

Aangezien het Stedelijk Museum jonge kunstenaars, vormgevers en ontwerpers een warm hart toedraagt en er in Stedelijk Museum CS afgelopen voorjaar de tentoonstelling 'Next Level. Art, Games & Reality' te zien was, is SMCS op 11 de ideale plek om Ad!dict voor een groter publiek bekend te maken en het magazine over GAMING te presenteren.
Met medewerking van: Jan Van Mol (Ad!dict Belgie), Geert Mul (kunstenaar) en
Tommy Goffin (Benelux Game Initiative).

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Meer informatie over Ad!dict Creative Lab is te vinden op de website

Contact informatie

  • Ina Arends