
Sleep Inn

Nocturnal care for art buyers and cleaners

7 Mayıs 2008
12 Mayıs 2008

Mediamatic offered the visitors of Art Amsterdam and the Temporary Museum Amsterdam a free place to sleep and 5 days of performances and workshops for everybody. Your hostesses were Melanie Bonajo (NL) and Kinga Kielczynska (PL).


1001 night pillow case - El Hema pillow used to sooth you to sleep, this was one of the submission for the El HEMA design contest in 2007 Katharina Birkenbach

During this performance-friendly environment all participants were offered a camp bed, breakfast with coffee tasseography, a dream interpretation, and personal care. There was space for 50 people per night. If you had forgotten your sleeping bag, you were always able to rent one. Your hostesses were Melanie Bonajo and Kinga Kielczynska and their team of volunteers.

There were daily performances from 11:00-22:00 open to the public, with the title Mediummatic, 5 days of alternative communication.

Program Overview

Wednesday May 7th
The Art of Permanent Laughter

- Ritual Energy Cleaning of the space
- Laughing meditation workshop
with Dhyan Sutorius

Thursday May 8th

- Ghost photography
- Connection to the Spirits
A medium created a connection with the world of spirits, which is an invisible world for almost all of us. Everyone was kindly requested to bring objects along that belonged to deceased people.
- A short lecture by Kinga Kielczynska
on the Capuccini Catacombs in Palermo/Sicilia with the photographs of Fiona Volquardsen
21.00- 22.30
- Screening of ghost footage

Friday May 9th
Trance Travelling

-Trance Dancing Video making
20.00- 20.30
- Ritual trance journey performance
- A movie about Carl Gustav Jung.
- A video by Julia Kasprzak with the lecture of Allan Watts

Saturday May 10th

Free group massage by 5 holistic massage therapists.
Hypnosis +Seance + Cleaning ritual + DJ+ Pillow fight

Sunday May 11th

Soundscapes by Ivan Kadelburg and Mhairi Macfarlane
- Panthomime concert by Janneke Raapohorst
- Sound presentation by Frank Mannens
- Chansons pour dormir
concert of Marie Nuit

The spiritual installation of Kinga Kielczynska and Melanie Bonajo was open throughout the exhibition.
And at the entrance you could find:
A compilation of video works by Andrew McKee, Marija Kadelburg, Igor
Stangliczky, Bogomir Doringer, Emese Csornai and Ivan Kadelburg, curated by
Mhairi Macfarlane and Ivan Kadelburg.

House rules

1 Entrance was granted with a ticket from Art Amsterdam or the Temporary Museum passe-partout.
2 Entrance was free if you bought an artwork or helped keep the sleeping areas clean.
3 Curfew was 1 am
4 No lights or noise after 1:30 am.
5 You were kindly requested to leave before 11 am.
6 Pets not welcome

The Sleep-Inn open daily from 11 am-1 am.

The Sleep-Inn is part of the Temporary Museum Amsterdam

Temporary Museum Amsterdam was the urban parallel program of Art Amsterdam where temporary exhibitions, lectures and meetings took place. Using the city's map as one building, the art institutes could be seen as the rooms of one big imaginary museum. The Sleep-Inn was the bedroom!

Click here for the Tijdelijk Museum website