anyMeta Meeting

for all clients with a anyMeta community management system

7 Nis 2009

A meeting for editors and webmasters of anyMeta websites. An opportunity to meet each other, and to exhange your knowledge and experiences. Who else is using an anyMeta website and how do they work with it? Macha Roesink of Museum De Paviljoens will talk about the new community for her museum. There will be presentations on new possibilities for anyMeta. We would also like your ideas about what can be improved.


Borrel na afloop van de Anymeta middag. - Een middag voor klanten van Mediamatic Lab. Tanja Baudoin


from 13.30 Welcome
14.00 - 14.15 What is anyMeta? by Willem Velthoven
14.15 - 14.45 Presentation by Macha Roesink, the social network of Museum De Paviljoens
14.45 - 15.00 How to stimulate the community? on social networks and community managers, by Ino Paap with examples from the floor

15.00 - 15.45 Break and How do you make it work?-sessions with participants.

15.45 - 16.00 Open-ci, the exchange of people and information between websites. By Ino Paap with examples, for example
16.00 - 16.15 ikTag and the interactive installations, by Willem Velthoven

16.15 - 16.45 Interactive discussion on the wishes and expectations about anyMeta, the helpdesk and other services, by Willem Velthoven
17.00 Drinks, with the interactive installations. The service desk is open.

Service Desk for your questions

During the meeting, we will have a service desk where you can ask questions, get explanation, follow short demos and get other tips on how to get the most out of your anyMeta website.


Meet us at the Mediamatic exhibition Ik R.I.P. on the Vijzelstraat 68, 1017 HL Amsterdam.


Participation is limited to clients and contacts of Mediamatic Lab. Do you want to come? Please register here.
For any questions on the anyMeta user meeting, please contact Michel Langendijk ( and +31 (0)20 - 6389901).