

with Arthur Guilleminot

23 Şub 2024

Come to Mediamatic to have a talk with an artist in our little greenhouses by the water! Learn more about their work or talk about your project with the artist who inspired you. Arthur Guilleminot is open to creative consultation and discussing ideas. 



A.Guilleminot1 -

Meet-a-Maker is a 30-minute session to have a one-on-one talk with artists currently working at Mediamatic. We are lucky to be inspired by the many artists who work and stay with us for exhibitions, residencies and workshops. We welcome you to meet them and be inspired as well!

About the artist

Arthur Guilleminot is an ecodeviant artist whose practice spans design, performance, fashion, and visual art. A graduate of the Gerrit Rietveld Academy, his work is a radical exploration of regenerative approaches to address our pressing need for change.

Arthur's work delves into the realm of decolonizing disgust through the lens of "Camp" aestheticism and buffoonery. His provocative visuals and vulnerable semantics pave the way for transilient, pleasureful futures. By researching tools that challenge norms and embrace the subtleties of disgust, Arthur aims to make us kinder in trusting our visceral impulses.

Don't miss the opportunity to participate in Arthur's unique Piss Soap Workshop at Mediamatic. It's a chance to actively engage with his ideas and explore unconventional perspectives on our relationship with the world.


The conversations with Arthur are meant for anyone with special interests in the topics listed below

  • Ecodeviant Art
  • Positive Disobedience 
  • Regenerative Practices in Urban Environments
  • Camp Aestheticism
  • Sustainability
  • Social Conditioning and Disgust
  • Material Research and Innovation
  • Community Collaboration 


You can choose a 30-minute time slot between 14:30 and 17:15.


Full price €10
Artists/Students discount €7,50*
*We give a discount to students, artists and Stadspas holders. If this applies to you we might ask to see your kvk nr/portfolio or student card for this option.
Read our ticket terms and conditions here.

For questions please e-mail