Fishing for ink, The Dwarf Empire

Ignite Amsterdam 35

26 Şub 2014

Twelve speakers of February's Ignite talk 5 minutes each about new materials and new ways of art making and thinking. Come early for a free tour of the Faceless exhibition. Food and tour start 19:00, the first speaker will kick-off at 20:00. Get your tickets online in advance to save a few euros.


The Dwarf Empire - Picture by Sanne de Wilde / Photography. Visit her website. Sanne de Wilde


Ruben Hamelink

While travelling through Vietnam, Ruben Hamelink realized that the Vietnamese ex-soldiers who fought in the USA-Vietnam conflict got little or no recognition today. Especially, in contrast with the media popularity of American veterans. That's why he start to document them.

Carmen Schabracq

Carmen is a choreographer, performance artist and mask maker. Her performances and installations feature elaborate crocheted animals and masks. Although at first glance playful, her work seems to deal with deeper lying patterns and expectations about identity and gender.


De Poesiebar kittens at the opening of Faceless - 2014 Picture by Matthias Tarasiewicz / Artistic Bokeh. Visit his website. Matthias Parasew Tarasiewicz

Merel Bekking

Merel collaborated with the Spinoza Center for Neuroimaging in her search for the perfect design. A test group was asked to look at a few hundred images, while their brains were monitored by an MRI scanner. Based on the test results, Merel is putting together a collection of 'perfect products' for Salone del Mobile.


Brain manufacturing - design based on brain activity Design Visit her website. Picture by Merel Bekking / Design Visit her website. Merel Bekking

Sanne de Wilde

Sanne's first solo exhibition, The Dwarf Empire , depicts a theme park in Southern China where 70 little people perform for tourists daily. Sanne's photo series started out asking questions about commercializing social care, but ended up as a twisted fairytale that turned on her.


The Dwarf Empire - A collection of her images Visit her website Picture by Sanne de Wilde / A photo story Visit her website Sanne de Wilde


Laura Smeets and Daantje Stötefalk are Pronkzucht, seeking for new ways of exhibiting. Their exhibition series Pronkstukken in de Buurt collects local residents' most valuable objects, and exhibits them.

Chris Meighan

Can you make cows from milk? After more than a year of experimentation, mountains of empty milk cartons, mouse infestations and sleepless nights, Chris arrived at the answer: yes, you can. But this story is about more than just cows and milk. It's about how the whole way we think about technology and progress, it's about making us think.


Koe op sokkel - Onderdeel van een project van Chris Meighan, Alpha, Gala, Omega, Agelada. Chris Meighan

Jorge Mañes

Jorge is a conceptual artist and perpetual tourist who investigates invisible, forgotten places. He creates artworks that reimagine and revive these sites as attention-worthy destinations.


Wouter van Veldhoven - Using reel-to-reel tape recorders, home-build music-machines, cassette Walkman and toy-instruments I make some musical oddities. Old means. New music Wouter van Veldhoven

Lotte Reimann

Lotte tells stories in pictures. Besides being this month's featured artist over at Subbacultcha, she is working on an ongoing project for Hardhoofd in which she reflects on her close relationship with her brother. We want to hear more about most everything she's working on, so we invited her to do just that.


Interpretatie 'Memento Mori' - Lotte Reimann

Zaza Zuilhof

Networked Toys is Zaza's thesis project at the Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design. She created a series of characters that react, all differently, to actions kids perform, such as clapping or tapping. This game allows kids to playfully explore relations of cause and effect.

Today Designers

Today Designers printed a book using squid ink. The book, Naar Inkt Vissen (Fishing For Ink), tells the stories of Dutch sailors.


Naar Inkt Vissen - A Book printed with squid ink. / Visit their website


Together with several sauna fanatics they organise sauna festivals, here in Amsterdam. Last year April they had their first sauna festival, with a hot tub overlooking the lake, a fireshow and storytellers. It was one big succes.

Wouter van Veldhoven

Wouter is a musician who uses taperecorders, cassette-walkmans and even toyinstruments to make his own music. He is experimenting with all kinds of instruments and now he is creating a self-made instrument.


The Republic of Columbusplein - SOCIALDESIGNFORWICKEDPROBLEMS is a pioneering project that aims to research the impact that designers and artists could have if working together with governments and other political/social organizations. This micronation is a new proposal for Columbusplein, a public square in Amsterdam West. Jorge Mañes Rubio


Carlos Portela: Spinach lasagna and for desert lemon custard roulade!
Natasja Kilercyan: Home made pasta pesto with Mediterranean meatballs and
vegetarian home made pasta pesto with zucchini cookies.
Martijn Bond: Red lentil soup and Moroccan stew for the vegetarians. For the others there will be Moroccan stew with veal tail.

More information

Mediamatic, VOC-kade 10, Oostenburg Amsterdam. Pre-sale tickets are €6,- until 14:00 on the day of the event, then they go up to €8,- (includes a 9-week Club Mediamatic membership). Tickets don't include food.

Extra: free Faceless tour

Ignite Amsterdam 35 is located in our exhibition Faceless. At 19:00 we will guide you through the 100+ faceless videos, photographs, images and art works.