The interface is a single webpage containing the media player, the timeline with layers and the note box for writing, editing and exporting xml annotations. Users can add, share and synchronize cues & markers, hyperlinks and questions by simply creating a tab on a timeline layer. Every tab & annotation is attached to a certain moment, scene or sequence which can then be specified, shared and archived with tags (free, controlled, thesaurus). Every tab can be exported as a flash file and the layers containing these tabs can be hidden or shared among individuals or user groups. CueMark is available as a ‘proof of concept’ in the website specially created for Theatre Studies at the University of Amsterdam.
CueMark #1
part of ABELmash: Annotation Based eLearning & mashups
CueMark is a 2.0 streaming video&audio annotation tool for films, documentaries, television programmes, concerts and performances. It’s specially designed for the contextualization and analyses of digital video/audio recordings in distance learning communities, from schools up to the academic world. It can be used as a virtual cutting tool for the creation of play lists or video quotes, as a tool for discussion, or as a tool for course assignments and exams in a virtual classroom.

i-theatreannotate.jpg - screengrab from the proof of concept of CueMark in