Birds, guns and shadows from afterlife
A visit to the 3rd moscow biennial
Forget the crisis, the cold and the autumn depression. In Moscow, contemporary art is booming. In the first 2 days, only the main venue of the Moscow biennial had over 10000 visitors. Kompromat was there: at all VIP openings, professional previews and parties. Against exclusion, we saw all the shows, from the Russian povera and the New Old Cold War. Who else was there?

The heart of Moscow - Find 3 centers of power in this picture.

Art critic Ekaterina Degot - Visiting Yekaterinburg underground folk artist B.U. Kashkin museum.

Moscow by car - Traveling between biennale venues takes time

Curator Yara Bubnova and Moscow biennale director Josef Backstein -

Crowds at Luc Tuymans exhibition - In the former Red October factory