During the Egyptian revolution on Tahrir square in Cairo, Moataz Nasreldin began collecting the protest signs people were using. He collected signs between January 25 and February 11, 2011 and then made them into an installation on the spot. He then exhibited the installation at Darb 1718, a contemporary art space in Cairo. As part of the Pièce de Résistance exhibition, Moataz flew in from Egypt to reconstruct the installation on our walls in Amsterdam. Amongst the items are protest signs, flyers, posters and flags. The protest slogans range from ones that use humor and sarcasm, to others that are more serious and angry. Taken together, these signs and symbols tell the stories of the Egyptian revolutionaries and all the people that came together on Tahrir square.
25th January
Installation of Tahrir Square protest signs
Tales of the Tahrir revolution, collected by an eyewitness.
