
Precious Burden

by Asefeh Tayebani

11 Dec 2019
19 Nov 2020

Having a neurological disorder is challenging. To cope with it in daily life can be tough. How easy or hard the life of someone with a mental disorder is, depends largely on other people's understanding of the disorder. Autistic designer Asefeh Taybani created three objects that allow the public to experience a little how it is to be autistic. She strongly believes that being seen and feeling that you matter will empower her as well as other people with mental disorders – making them feel safe enough to come out with their afflictions. 

To experience this work, you are welcome to join the Open Tour on Fridays at 16:00.


01-10-2019 Handsieraad dat neurodivergente prikkels imiteert - Precious Burden - Asefeh Tayebani Een mentale handicap is  niet zichtbaar. Dat maakt het moeilijk om uit te leggen hoe het is om een zo'n handicap te hebben. En dat terwijl het juist voor mensen met een neurologische aandoening ontzettend belangrijk is dat ze hun – soms net wat afwijkende – behoeften kunnen communiceren. Asefeh Tayebani, zelf gediagnostiseerd met autisme, creëerde Precious Burden : drie voorwerpen die het publiek in staat stellen om te ervaren hoe het is om autistisch te zijn. Een kijkje door een speciale… Anne Lakeman

Asefeh Tayebani

Asefeh Tayebani makes objects that have been assigned a specific purpose, but presents them as something else. Introducing materials as metaphors or objects as symbols, is a focus in her creations. Her work is often characterised by a dash of dark humor; an effective tool for delivering her concept in the form of the delicate, detailed objects she makes. Asefeh enjoys the incongruence between this dark humor and serious time-consuming handmade objects. She makes jewellery not simply for decoration, but as an extension of the body. Asefeh is fascinated by the way people handle things - their gestures - inspiring her to make hand-related objects, often detailed jewellery-like works; small objects that require time and preparation.


Asefeh Tayebani presenting the arm piece in Precious Burden -


Binoculars that impact your vision - by Asefeh Taybani Having a neurological disorder is challenging. To cope with it in daily life can be tough. How easy or hard the life of someone with a mental disorder is, depends largely on other people's understanding of the disorder. Autistic designer Asefeh Taybani created three objects that allow the public to experience a little how it is to be autistic. She strongly believes that being seen and feeling that you matter will empower her as well as other people with mental disorders – making them feel safe… Wisam Ali Mohammad, Asefeh Tayebani


Precious Burden – Helmet - by Asefeh Taybani Having a neurological disorder is challenging. To cope with it in daily life can be tough. How easy or hard the life of someone with a mental disorder is, depends largely on other people's understanding of the disorder. Autistic designer Asefeh Taybani created three objects that allow the public to experience a little how it is to be autistic. She strongly believes that being seen and feeling that you matter will empower her as well as other people with mental disorders – making them feel safe… Wisam Ali Mohammad


Arm piece that sends little shocks down your arm and simulates the sensations Tayebani feels when someone stands too close too her right hand side. - Wisam Ali Mohammad


The Precious Burden collection in our Plant room: an arm piece, an audio helmet and binoculars. -


Precious Burden - by Asefeh Taybani Having a neurological disorder is challenging. To cope with it in daily life can be tough. How easy or hard the life of someone with a mental disorder is, depends largely on other people's understanding of the disorder. Autistic designer Asefeh Taybani created three objects that allow the public to experience a little how it is to be autistic. She strongly believes that being seen and feeling that you matter will empower her as well as other people with mental disorders – making them feel safe…


Precious Burden - by Asefeh Taybani Having a neurological disorder is challenging. To cope with it in daily life can be tough. How easy or hard the life of someone with a mental disorder is, depends largely on other people's understanding of the disorder. Autistic designer Asefeh Taybani created three objects that allow the public to experience a little how it is to be autistic. She strongly believes that being seen and feeling that you matter will empower her as well as other people with mental disorders – making them feel safe… Wisam Ali Mohammad


Sponsors - This project was also made possible by the following organisations: AFK   Stimuleringsfonds  and  Mondriaanfonds