Edgar Honetschlager


Edgar Honetschläger was born and raised in Austria. Being a rather intense kid, his mother would send him to England frequently - which made him a fervent traveler. He has spent four years of his life in the United States (New York, LA, San Francisco), eight years in Japan (Tokyo) and a casual year in Italy (Rome and Palermo). Today he makes his homes in Japan and Austria, directing the COM institute Tokyo and the EDOKO institute Vienna - but he continues traveling the globe extensively.

The common denominators of his work are the themes of INDIVIDUALISM and the celebration of CULTURAL DIFFERENCES. DIVERSITY IS NECESSITY - anything mono casts a threat to the beauty of different expressions/believes/languages/approaches toward life. Understanding other cultures is not a given - the question is rather if it is possible at all - for sure it needs a maximum of tolerance (nobody is without prejudice). A society can only function if everyone is granted the same amount of space. You can drive your individualism (does it really exist or is it just a concept?) only as far as you do not hurt another existence. Linear understanding of HISTORY is a misconception just as the Western idea of LOVE is only one possible approach within the interaction of humans. After all, emotions too, are nothing but ideas.

Honetschläger expresses these believes by means of performances, installations, happenings, films, as well as photography and drawing.

Contact information

  • Edgar Honetschlager