Rabbits are hopping ever closer as I type. Coots and moorhens collectively watch on from the lagoon edge as double decker trains speed by. Emerald glades, reed beds and fragrant eucalyptus are set against the emerging tones of autumn. In this Indian summer weather, a dip in the pool on the camp's doorstep is tempting, especially after a few showerless shed sleepovers. Sleep is an extravagance if the Tuesday 2am deadline is to be met. And the rabbit is still munching away by my side as I am lured indoors by the smell of the online Indian takeaway.
Camping au naturel
Social RFID Hacker Camp 2009, Day 2
Forget the digital environment for a minute. While the hackers fret over APIs in their corrugated camp, this blogger is interacting with the natural lushness of Westerpark in the low early evening sun.

Nestling between reed beds and the Gashouder - At Hacker Camp '09