After searching for two and a half years we finally found the perfect location for our creative platform. With pride we can announce that the Mini Shopping Center of Cool has been chosen for a project that will start in november. Developer Kokelenberg & Ouwehand who work together with the Amsterdam Council, project 1012, want to reinforce small businesses, because the big brands like Zara and H&M are taking over. Our philosophy is very simple, unique, authentic, graphic design, hand made, printed and produced under their own supervision. No mass production. We want to exhibit, and sell unique products.
We started a crowdfunding campaign which we are promoting 29 & 30 augustus at De Hallen in Amsterdam at the Local Goods Market. Please come and visit us so you can see a few products of Amsterdam based designers and get involved.
Crowdfunding for creative platform in Amsterdam
Local Goods Market @ De Hallen Amsterdam
Creative platform for young designers is chosen to reinforce small businesses

Natalie Semaka