Paul Cohen-Tannugi

Waste Diary S01E04

Compost progress, Gardening Remodeling


DIY_Compost_Sifter_PCT -

After a few initial hurdles to get the bokashi started in the Triangle space, there are now two fully-functioning Bokashi Compost bins installed.

Waiting for the new, smaller buckets which will be installed in the kitchen, bar, and office; Also, we'll prepare new signs and a poster with simple instructions for everyone to understand, and how to use the bokashi (and maintain it). 

One of the challenges is to figure out a way for the bokashi to remain in use, even after I'm gone.

This means finding a way to involve everyone in the process. It seems unfair to put this burden exclusively unto the kitchen staff.

Instead, we may need to add emptying Bokashi bin duties for the people scheduled on cleaning shifts. This way, rotation of staff is ensured, and an understanding is shared amongst everyone.

Basically, if the green bins are full, the person in charge of cleaning would take the green bins to the compost area and leave them to ferment until ready (2-3 weeks). Once ready, the green bin would need to be emptied in the compost pile. How to maintain a schedule so people know when to empty it? That's a question for another time.


General Compost News:

- October 31-Nov 1: Mediamatic is holding two days where volunteers from Timberland will  help re-organize and fix some of our garden beds, as well as managing the compost area. There will also be plenty of flower-signs to be planted in the beds.

Compost work will include:

- Pruning tree branches - Then shredding them to make wood-chips for the compost (Rental from Boels)

- Transferring Compost piles from one-bin to the next: aeration and an occasion to re-build it.

A sifter is required to separate coarse, un-processed large materials, from soil-ready compost. Since we don't have one, we'll have to make our own DIY sifter. 


Update: After a few hours of tinkering in the workshop, I was able to put together the following sifter (very proud of myself!) using locally available material I found. Although, hopefully, it will survive a rough day in the field.


Here are some inspiration for future models: 

This one below, is in fact the one used by Fruittuin van West's Compost Lab. Dutch Design at it's best! 

Eventually, it would be nice to have such a system in place

This is it for today, and I will be posting more updates after our workshops are over.