Fotis Gerakis

Graphic Designer, Motion Graphics, Art Director

A Greek-American national, Fotis was born and raised in the small northern town of Serres, Greece, and was educated in the United States. He is a graduate of the University of Houston in Graphic Communications and Art History.
At the beginning of his professional career he worked for renowned design firms such as Minor Design and was a founding designer of Metal Studios. His design career was focused on Motion Graphics and Television Art Direction where for 11 years he worked as an Art Director for the CBS station in Houston Texas and earned six prestigious EMMY awards, three TELLY awards and was recognized Internationally with a silver BDA/PROMAX award. He also briefly taught Graphic Communications at the University level before deciding to explore the Orient and beyond. He now works at his own Design firm based in Beirut and Riyadh called ZOOM CREATIVE.

Contact information

  • Fotis Gerakis
  • P.O. Box 61188
  • 11565
  • Riyadh
  • SA