Tess Nijhuis

Stained glass with fungi

How to make art with a living material?

Artists and scientists are constantly exploring new ways to push the boundaries of creativity and innovation. In the greenhouse we try to collaborate biology and art to create a unique form of stained glass using fungi and agar agar sheets. We investigate the possibilities of art creation with fungi as a follow-up of the graduation research of landscape architect David Habets.


Agar agar is a gelatinous substance derived from seaweed and is commonly used in microbiology to culture microorganisms. Fungi, which are microorganisms, can be grown on agar agar sheets to create intricate and colorful patterns that resemble stained glass.

The process of creating this art form involves carefully selecting and growing different strains of fungi on agar agar sheets. The fungi are then allowed to grow and spread over the agar agar, forming a network of branching structures that create a unique pattern. 

Working in the greenhouse has a particularly positive effect on the development process. The humidity is high, the influence of sunlight can be investigated to the max because of the orientation of the greenhouse and the scale on which the work is done is much more impressive. In addition, it is especially inspiring to work with nature in the environment of the Mediamatic in a different way than we are used to.