Michiel Wijgmans

Michiel is an open minded person, entrepreneur, explorer, extreme-sporter and he enjoys life. He is about to graduate on social sustainability in network organisations, he is founder of Loading Multimedia and co-founder of Lable.

With his broad interest and many different activities he is practically forced to arrange his life in a practical manner. His to do lists, some webtools and phone are his brain and memory so there is more room for creativity in his head. He can tell you about this so called 'Lifehacking'.

He likes to meet new people in a natural way and his clear but modest approach is typical for him. He likes this way of networking.

For him webtools are really tools. Things that make life easier. He loves things that are thought trough and are easy to use. He strives to design only that what people really need with an intuitive interface, and concepts that make all the involved parties happy.

In his work with the network organisation Lable his creativity is free to flow; making communication strategies, communication platforms and a broad variety of digital tools. Lable tries to close the gap between analogue and digital so technology will become user friendly. Michiels whish is to make Lable a powerfull organisation where everybody can exploit his or her passion to make wonderful things.


Contact information

  • Michiel Wijgmans