Contact: Evelyn Austin. The following images are free to use under the condition that you name the source.
Ignite Amsterdam
Footage and info
Ignite is a worldwide event showcasing locals and their personal and professional passions. It is fast-paced and merciless: speakers get five minutes to present, making use of twenty slides that auto-advance every fifteen seconds. The Amsterdam events take place every last Wednesday of the month at Mediamatic Fabriek. Expect a combination of artists, designers, amateurs, researchers and the occasional lost poet or zen gardener. All presentations are given in English.

Visitors chat at Ignite Amsterdam 17 - This picture was made during a break at Ignite Amsterdam 17.

Ignite Amsterdam 24 - Graphic designer Sam van Doorn speaks at Ignite Amsterdam 24.

Ignite Amsterdam 19 publiek - Gemaakt tijdens de pauze bij Ignite Amsterdam 19. Bij Ignite 19

Arjen Ulrich - Arjen Ulrich is trying to live without trash. Picture taken at Ignite Amsterdam 15.

The audience - People listen to the presentations at Ignite Amsterdam 16.

Audience chats at Ignite - Taken during Ignite Amsterdam 18.

Karin Schwandt on infographics - picture taken durng Ignite Amsterdam 9 at mediamatic bank