marijn groenewoud


update project pages

describe the overall project (erase what's no longer relevant, update what has changed)
please include some viuals! (pictures, sketches, photo's, clips)

describe the context in which your project that you are designing in the workshop. also visually
-is it crossmedial?
-is it to be presented in a gallery?
-is it online? from where will it be linked to? what are the 'centres of attention' you need to get attention for your project?

if you're designing a user-generated-content process, try to be precies about the parameters that you're designing
-who do you want to contribute?
-what do you want them to contribute? (form, content, medium)
-how often?
-how long should your process/project exist?
-who should be taking care of the editorial activity?

how do you propose the financial model of your project? what oraganisations could be interesting partners?
how 'big' does it have to it become before it breaks even? in what time frame?