
Muziek Centrum Nederland

The Netherlands Music Centre is the knowledge and promotion centre for the professional music world. Its mission is to propagate and enhance the position of Dutch musical life, both nationally and internationally.



MCN plays a coordinating and stimulating role in the national and international music arena by providing support, by communicating, and most importantly, by initiating activities. Home to many different partners operating in the music sector, MCN forms a unifying factor in the chain of demand and supply. Moreover, it also serves as the nerve centre and memory bank of the music sector.

From its unique vantage point, MCN can, where necessary, direct activities related to its primary responsibilities, namely, promotion (national and international) and information, and education and reflection. MCN uses, maintains and expands its contemporary, jazz, and pop archives, which were developed by its predecessors, to provide current information and to preserve the history of Dutch music. The evaluation and cataloguing of the collection is based on a balanced archival and documentation policy. Given the size and complexity of the music field, MCN also envisions a key role for itself as a neutral umbrella organisation with an overview of the music sector, dedicated to fine-tuning and coordination.

Contact information

  • Muziek Centrum Nederland
Works here: