Dennis ten Hove

From a young age Dennis the Hove had a rich imagination and was eager to apply his ideas to real life situations.
Dennis became a multidisciplinary designer with a special focus on narrative spaces, and often approaches cases from the viewpoint of the user. In 2008 Dennis was part of the Enriching project, initiated by the Design & Emotion Society and Fabrique. This comprised a two week workshop in Hong Kong and Delft on ‘How to enrich the airport experience by designing interventions with an intended emotional effect’. The interventions and concepts can be found in a book entitled Enriching.

Dennis’ thesis dealt with the changing role of the museum and the usefulness of new media. Starting points for his analysis are the museum as a community centre within the city, the use of Internet and the value of interaction and new media within exhibitions. By linking his own experiences, literature and interviews with designers, it creates an interesting and broad view on the present role of museums, both inside and outside their physical walls.

Dennis ten Hove graduated from the AKI ArtEZ the Enschede Academy of Visual Arts in July 2009 on the subject exhibition design. Dennis continues to research the field of exhibition design, museums and narrative spaces tending to create refreshing and appropriate experiences in the public space.

Contact information

  • Dennis ten Hove