
"un-google-able" secrets on every page.

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A few highlights:

The Museum Macura in Belgrade will draw you out to a lonely field.

Bratislava is new to Mediamatic Travel.

Our City, Our Music takes people through narratives on location in Leeds.

Aftaab Theatre is a dynamic project in Kabul combining Le Théâtre du Soleil with an Afghan spirit.

In Brooklyn, the Fixers Collective is a social experiment for improvisational fixing and mending.

Taller7 aims to stimulate the production and development of collective projects in Medellín.

"Arty stuff" and local bands in Darwin go on stage at Happy Yess.

At Warehouse9, underground queer art is internationally linked and presented in Copenhagen.

TWP seeks to add visual elements of colour, form and texture to dull space in Mumbai.

Recycled community goods and profit sharing are the norm at Beautiful Store in Seoul.

Murmur is a documentary oral history project the shares personal anecdotes and historical stories on location in Toronto.