Eervolle vermelding El HEMA ontwerpwedstrijd 2007 1 jan 2007
Roller Burka Blinds
Watch out!
Roller Burka Blinds have netted see-through-burka-peep-holes. You can watch the neighbours, but they can't see you!

the all-covering, shadening curtain, combined with the orientally shaped burka-cut-out that gives the necessary view to the outside world.
Rolgordijnen hebben een warmte- en lichtregulerende werking. Bij HEMA kunt u kiezen uit een transparante, zonwerende, verduisterende of vochtbestendige uitvoering. (source: HEMA-website September 2007) Don't you miss a variety here? I think so. The blinds are simple, in fashion colors, suit in every home, AND give the quality and fun extra that only El Hema can offer.
people with windows in their homes, caravans, boats and offices.
I did a small brainstorm session between me and myself.
The standard roller blinds available with HEMA can be modified easily to make the great Roller Burka Blinds. You need to cut a shaped hole in the blind. Use a mold to draw where to cut . Fold in a cm of the fabric and place over it a piece of cut-out gaze fabric with embroidered fabric band sown to the edges of it (prepare the banded gaze first using pins before sewing with the machine). Pin the banded gaze to the curtain and sew on each side of the band.
I would be able to make a prototype but I could use all the help in the world to make more then one since I have a full time job.