Andre Bosse

FabLab: my next step to visualize old ideas and..... more important, get new ones.


andre.gif - andre by A3

EOTIS: stands for: Exploration Of The Inner Self.
This project started 35 years ago, by making a cube in a cube in a cube etc... Analogic on a lathe.
This vinyl cut, black and silver, is developed from an isometric view of the cube.

EOTIS: stands for: Exploration Of The Inner Self.
This project started 35 years ago, by making a cube in a cube in a cube etc... Anologic on a lath.
Later I made a 3d digital model for it and developed an algorithm to dimension the several surfaces.
This vinyl cut, black and silver, is developed from an isometric view of the cube.
The next steps are: replace the black section by a medium gray, so light will flip between silver (shining or dull) and the gray.
After that, a 3d print for a reproducible mould.

(sorry, this is the drawing, photo will follow)

Contact informatie

  • Andre Bosse