
Park Kitchen

Food that is very personal

Park Kitchen brings people together in a setting that melds the core of the kitchen with a sophisticated urban dining experience. Food that is very personal—dishes that reflect and are inspired by our surroundings.


Park Kitchen - Image taken from: their website

Early afternoon patrons gaze out at the neighborhood bocce ball players arguing convivially over their scores. The pace picks up with the bustle of lunch goers from downtown and then gives way to the thoughtful calm of late afternoon. Nighttime finds diners congregating in the friendly confines of the Park bar area, trying new cocktails before dinner while exchanging thoughts in front of the most recent seasonal chalkboard art on display.

Menus are created with a sense of place and a respect for the changing seasons. Fresh ingredients from local farmers, fishermen and ranchers are the basis for delicious new dishes and familiar favorites. Park Kitchen provides an adventurous and satisfying dining experience from start to finish.

Source: their website

Contact informatie

  • Park Kitchen
  • 422 NW 8 th Avenue
  • Portland, OR 97209
  • US