
Become a Guide

Are you ready to become a Mediamatic Travel Guide?

Eager to show others what your city really is about? Want to increase the visibility of the underground culture of your city to others? Then you’re at the right address. Here you’ll find out everything you need to know about how to become a guide on Mediamatic Travel.


Todays ART - Promotional poster of 'Today's ART festival' in Den Hague, Netherands. Picture from Todaysart found on flickr . Emina Sendijarevic

Create your own guide page: Your promotion page as a guide.

As you might have noticed, all our guides have their own guide page. This guide page is not your personal profile, it is merely a promotional page for you as a guide. You still need to complete your personal page though, because it is linked to your guide page. Sign up or log in first and complete your personal profile.

You can acquire a guide page by going to New Contribution after logging in. Click on +Guide's page. In the next page you will be asked to fill out:

  • Text: Explain why you became a guide or why people should contact you to get a tour in your city.
  • Images/Video: The more images the merrier! Include a personal picture as the first image of your guide page. You can use the picture of your personal profile as well. This will automatically become the icon of your guide page.

Note: please always make sure to respect copyrights. Always include a title of the image (remove .jpg ending) and describe where you got the image from with a link to the original page. For more explanation on citing your sources correctly and for more tips and tricks for the looks of your page, go to Lay-out codes.

  • +About city: Link your guide page to the city it is about, otherwise your guide page will not appear on the website. Start typing the name of the city, country and choose the one with ‘Mediamatic Travel’ stated at the end. Before adding the city, please make sure it exists in our website by checking Cities. Otherwise you can create your city in New contribution. When you create a new city, you are prompted to write a description about the city. This is optional, not compulsory.
  • Choose Keywords: Very important. The keywords you choose will link your guide page to similar/related items. This will increase your visibility not only on the Mediamatic website, but on the whole internet as well!
  • Add your contributions: Now you can start typing the title of the contribution you made earlier. It will automatically show up in the list. Click to add it and make sure to use the right contribution. More information on adding a contribution you’ll find here.

Guiding visitors

Visitors will get through your guide page an online introduction to you and your city for free. Always make sure to complete your guide page, make it visually interesting and inviting. You can imagine visitors will not contact someone they don’t know, unless they have the feeling they can get to know and trust this person online.

If visitors would like to have you as guide, they can use the ‘Be my Guide’ button to send a message with an appointment proposal. You should reply as soon as possible and come up with suggestions about what the city has to offer, based on the visitor’s personal interest and needs.

Before the trip

Now, when a visitor contacts you about a trip, make sure to discuss the important things of their journey. Do they need to bring special documents? Is a visa required? Can they exchange currency? Do they have to keep in mind the codes of conduct of your country? Do they have to be picked up by you at the airport? Add your visitor as a contact and get him inspired and updated before their arrival at your city.

We at Mediamatic Travel propose a € 45 fee to be paid by the visitor for the first hour of consulting you upon arrival in your city. This fee is not to be negotiated by the visitor. Should you feel otherwise about financial compensation, let your visitor know. Any further dealings are to be discussed between you and your visitors beforehand, so that the trip goes smoothly without any surprises.

After the trip

Encourage your visitor to write their experiences about your city on Mediamatic Travel. It will be very useful for other potential visitors of your guide page to see a reference from another visitor. You can also use the comment function or write a story about their trip. You can add a story in New contribution and add it to your guide page. It is very nice to have a record of the experience, so we encourage you both to write a story or to upload photos and videos.

While this social website is managed by, most of the content is created by members of the public. No claim is made as to the accuracy, currency and reliability of material provided on this website.

For more information, suggestions, comments... you can use the Forum.
Well, you can also always send us an e-mail to travel [at]