In samenwerking met sportfietsers, koeriers, verzamelaars, kunstenaars en andere fietsliefhebbers hebben we een collectie samengesteld voor de Sur Place tentoonstelling. Op onze website kun je voorproefje zien van de collecties die wij in de Mediamatic Bank tentoonstellen.
Sur Place is alle dagen te bezichtigen. Tot en met 22 augustus in de Mediamatic Bank. Vergeet niet je fiets mee te nemen!

Bicycle Collection
These bikes are shown during the Sur Place exhibition
This is the collection of fixed gear bikes that can be admired in our window display until August, 22nd. We have selected them for their sleek looks, historical importance or anecdotal peculiarity.
Bike Cinema
Collection of Dutch treasures
During Sur Place we present a media library with a selection of interesting Dutch Bicycle Film Productions and a selection from the Bicycle Film Festival Amsterdam. Sur Place will also host some...
Spoke Cards
Alleycats' little momentos
Spoke cards serve to identify alleycat racers, like numbers on a runner's uniform. Riders stick laminated cards between the spokes of the back wheel. After the finish, the cards are often kept as...
Overzicht van (fixed) fietsenmakers.
Dit zijn de fietsenmakers die wij bewonderen. We tentoonstellen fietsen van allerlei verschillende merken. Op deze pagina kun je meer informatie vinden over specifieke fietsmakers. Voor de totale...
The making of Sur Place
A short history of Sur Place + the fixed gear bike
Where and when did the fixed gear bike originate? How did it end up at Mediamatic? How did the exhibition come into existence, and what does Sur Place even mean? Find the answers to all these burning...