For a long time, I've been annoyed by the ridiculous amount of gum sticks to the pavement. I hate it, even more, when people spit out their gum in a public space without any shame. It currently seems that the chewing gum has become part of our urban landscape, a blind spot in our vision. While working on the subject of chewing gum my gaze automatically goes downwards and already notices how different the world looks. I see patterns, traces of the past and present or maybe a path that guides through the city.
I think that chewing gum could be more than just a piece of chewy resin. What happens if I use the gum as a pure material and consider my 'frustration' as a source of inspiration.
A fusion between randomly tossed chewing gum and the structure of the pavements. Create a logical and structured pattern with chewing gum. The material molded with my mouth and woven with my hands results in a small piece of 'fabric'.