Amber Rahantoknam

Multidisciplinary Artist


Beftival portrait Amber Rahantoknam - Collaborator of Beftival Caroline Aravicius

Amber Rahantoknam, also known as AMBIGOU, is a multi-disciplinary maker mixing text and image through illustration and poetry. 

Her illustrations are narrative, as her poetry is visual; the mediums are two sides of the same coin. Main thematics in her work are ambiguity, surrealism and female empowerment. She has performed in Poetsclub, Woordnacht Festival Rotterdam, Zomer op ’t Schouwburgplein and will participate in Poetryslam.

For Museumnachht: Beftival she features a kink series of illustrations with distinct ink strokes, unapologetically showcasing the sex loving woman, accompanied by spoken word performance. Her drawings show the implicit explicit through interesting compositions and dramatic lighting, whereas her poetry play with rhythm and syntax. 

Contact informatie

  • Amber Rahantoknam

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