During my time at Mediamatic as an Program and Events intern I've done a lot of different things. The first few weeks I helped with the production of the Sin Eaters dinners that we're happening then. I learned a lot of new practical skills like: sewing, sawing, gardening and cooking for the whole team!
During my time as a workshop assistent I really learned loads of usefull information for later. Together with Elise, I prepared and set up for the workshop that were happening. I learned how to answer emails, how to use stager and how to handle the complicated website that Mediamatic is. I now feel way more confident working with computers and communicating with artists, tutors and visistors. Google calender has definitely been the best friend that I hated at first but learned how to love and appreciate. When you're a workshop assistent it is very usefull to put all your tasks in your calender because some are so small (but very important) that they're easy to forget.
I followed the whole cyclus of puting a workshop online: uploading it on the website, uploading it on stager, uploading it on Facebook and making sure that everything was connected and worked well together.
I also worked on the Penny for your Thougts project. I uploaded new accounts on to stager and the Mediamatic webiste. I learned how to upload a new article and spend days figuring out how to properly credit picturers (it was very new and scary for me). I basically learned a LOT about the website and how to solve problems on different platforms. After the publishing of the articles me, Iliana and Anne worked really hard to put together three presentation evenings. I went through the whole process, from talking to people on the phone about their projects, to curating the evenings and the production of the events themselves. I noticed that the knowledge I gained as an wokshop production assistent was really usefull and this really helped me realise that is did learn a lot here.
I've always looked forward to the Gentle Disco's because everybody would come out of the office just to dance, have fun and talk to eachother.I'm sorry for the occassional disturbance haha. I'm looking back at a very busy time but I'm also really going to miss the other inters and people here (yes I did already cried a little bit cause I'm bad with goodbyes).