Max Ciaglo

Korreltje Zout Research Assistant (he/him)


Photo of Max - Photo by Romy Kerkman Romy Kerkman

Met: Max Ciaglo

Hello, I'm Max.

After 10 years working as a field ecologist I moved to Utrecht to complete a Master's degree in Bio-inspired Innovation. I am endlessly interested by what nature has to teach us, and I am dedicated to learning these lessons and incorporating them into human systems to make them more sustainable, regenerative, and circular.

At Mediamatic I am focused on the Korreltje Zout project where I am researching how to adapt urban green spaces and our aquaponics greenhouse to brackish water irrigation. This will help us and others to use canal water in these systems and save water now, and in a drier future.

Contact informatie

  • Max Ciaglo