Afbeelding: Andrei Tchernikov
Artists Jeanette Groenendaal en Zoot Derks.
They would definitely approve of Zita Swoon's lightman's stripping acts.- KS
Februari 2009
(video Installation)
collaboration with Zoot Derks in his work for:
The Best of both Worlds; W139, Amsterdam exposition of Master Artistic research from 19 th of februari.
- DVD Launch of 20.000 P. Stranger Festival Educational
at European Cultural Foundation Amsterdam
( docutective, premiered at IDFA 2007) Distribition
- Dutch Cocaine Factory for rent in CULT VIDEOTHEEK Amsterdam Rotterdam Breda
- Now Showing "Dangerous Liasons" And "Inside Out"
2 independent documentaions, collaborations with Arts and Genomics centre, Leiden
exhibited: "Imagening Science" Alberta Art Gallery, Canada
- working on Production of
D-Performance Coming
To De Brakke Grond Soon.
- Scenario development DRAMAYAMA
- Travel to Utah for the
Pre- enactment of Mars Society with Zoot Derks for Polderpiece, VIDEO
March 2009
production of DONDERPREEK
( performance movie)