Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Weimin Zhu
Playful Jewelry Workshop
1mrt 2025Come and explore the process of creating playful jewelry, together with jewelry and object designer Weimin Zhu. You will not only make a beautiful piece of jewelry, but also learn more about how it...
Artist Residencies 2025
Kunstenaars, ontwerpers en onderzoek
Hier vind je een selectie van kunstenaars en ontwerpers die een residency bij Mediamatic hebben gedaan of momenteel doen in 2025. Je vindt hier ook de kunstenaars die onze Labs leiden.
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Weimin Zhu
Playful Jewelry Workshop
12okt 2024Come and explore the process of creating playful jewelry, together with jewelry and object designer Weimin Zhu. You will not only make a beautiful piece of jewelry, but also learn more about how it...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Casting a Cucumber
15sep 2024Join artist Silke for a workshop exploring the unique possibilities of combining clay with natural latex. Inspired by the speculative sea cucumbers in "Some breathe through their butts", Silke Riis...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Weimin Zhu
Playful Jewelry Workshop
27jul 2024Come and explore the process of creating playful jewelry, together with jewelry and object designer Weimin Zhu. You will not only make a beautiful piece of jewelry, but also learn more about how it...
Workshop Mediamatic Biotoop
Wines of Hildegard
28sep 2024Get to know the vine plant and taste medieval recipes for infused and quenched wines. Be inspired by Hildegard to adapt recipes to your personal well-being and needs and take home your very own wine...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Casting a Cucumber
6jul 2024Join artist Silke for a workshop exploring the unique possibilities of combining clay with natural latex. Inspired by the speculative sea cucumbers in "Some breathe through their butts", Silke Riis...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Casting a Cucumber
16jun 2024Join artist Silke for a workshop exploring the unique possibilities of combining clay with natural latex. Inspired by the speculative sea cucumbers in "Some breathe through their butts", Silke Riis...
Textile Lab: Mediamatic Biotoop
Visible Mending
20jul 2024Come and learn the art of darning, a time-tested technique for repairing holes in your favourite garments. Bronwen practices this technique visibly as a way to reclaim and celebrate our beloved...
Textile Lab Workshop X All: Mediamatic Biotoop
Sewing New Life
22jun 2024Do you love a piece of clothing but it doesn't quite fit anymore? Don't toss it! In this workshop, Kristin Maurer and Daniela Tiben will teach you how to transform your old favourites into a stylish
Textile Lab Workshop X All: Mediamatic Biotoop
Re-fashioning Clothing
25mei 2024Love a piece of clothing but it doesn't quite fit anymore? Don't toss it! In this workshop, you'll learn how to transform your old favourites: shorten pants, add a lining to a shirt, or even turn...
a/Artist event on Neurodivergence in the Arts Mediamatic Biotoop
Monsters under the Bed and Cocoon
15apr 2024All over the world stories of scary monsters are used as precautionary tales for children. And yet many fairytales teach us that what society deems monstrous is often more misunderstood than evil.
Textile Lab: Mediamatic Biotoop
Visible Mending
25mei 2024Come and learn the art of darning, a time-tested technique for repairing holes in your favourite garments. Bronwen practices this technique visibly as a way to reclaim and celebrate our beloved...
a/Artist talk over neurodivergentie in de kunsten Mediamatic Biotoop
Meelopers en Dwalers
18mrt 2024We gaan in gesprek met auteur en beeldend kunstenaar Sytske van Koeveringe. In haar nieuwe boek Meeloper verkent ze de betekenis van werk. Waarom is werk onlosmakelijk verbonden met ons leven en onze...
“Anxiety is the Japanese knotweed of mental…
Presumably, anxiety is a challenge we all have dealt with at one point in our lives. Be it caused by the pandemic, wars, our fast paced lifestyles, our own personal challenges, or… THE JAPANESE...
Wrijven helpt niet!
Verslag van de 59ste Biennale van Venetie
Midden april 2022. We zijn op de preopening van 59 ste Biënnale Venetië. Eigenlijk stond deze biënnale gepland in 2021, maar corona stak daar een stokje voor. In Italië was de...
Private Workshop Mediamatic Biotoop
Breakfast with Hildegard
with Tamara Last
Medieval abbess Hildegard von Bingen encouraged people to invite joy into daily routine through mindful rituals that addressed emotional challenges like brain-fog, rage, and forgetfulness. Start your...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Weimin Zhu
Playful Jewelry Workshop
16mrt 2024Come and explore the process of creating playful jewelry, together with jewelry and object designer Weimin Zhu. You will not only make a beautiful piece of jewelry, but also learn more about how it...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Hildegard von Bingen's Herbs of Joy
2mrt 2024De middeleeuwse abdis Hildegard von Bingen ontwikkelde methodes om mensen blijer te maken, die helpen bij neerslachtigheid, leegte en zelfs geheugenverlies. Allemaal gemoedstoestanden die vandaag de...
Happiness is Golden
19feb 2024Wij hebben als neuro-divergente community goud in handen. Laten we het goud samen delven. Het hebben van een autistisch brein is eigenlijk geweldig! Bij avonden over autisme ligt vaak de nadruk op...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Weimin Zhu
Playful Jewelry
4feb 2024Come and explore the process of creating playful jewelry, together with jewelry and object designer Weimin Zhu. You will not only make a beautiful piece of jewelry, but also learn more about how it...
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop
Who's Afraid of Cardboard and Clay?
15jan 2024Deze A/artist meetings over kunst, ontwerp en neurodiversiteit worden elke derde maandag van de maand gehouden. Deze maand organiseren we een avond met presentaties van twee kunstenaars, een goed...
Een levendige avond met presentaties, workshops en performance Mediamatic Biotoop
Alweer Zelf
12 kunstenaars doen stilletjes alsof het Museumnacht is.
Tijdens Museumnacht bezochten meer dan 1000 bezoekers ons artistiek diagnostisch traject. Vanavond bieden we hetzelfde programma voor professionals en hen die Museumnacht te druk vinden.
Zaterdag 11 November 2023 18:00—20:30
Alweer Zelf (de prikkelarme versie)
programma Museumnacht voor hen die Museumnacht te luid vinden.
Op zaterdag 11 november (18:00 - 20:30) was er een speciale prikkelarme openstelling voor mensen die Museumnacht een beetje te druk vinden of die geen kaartje meer konden krijgen voor 4 november. Heb...