In Mediamatic's exploration of expanding the horizon of food and cooking, fermented foods and beverages like Tempeh, Kefir and Kimchi play a central role.
At Mediamatic we have a beautiful and big elder(flower) tree, the Sambucus nigra . In Spring it was fully in bloom and provided us with nice white scenery. And this whiteness is attributed to the many elderflower patches that were growing. But the flowers are more than just a pretty sight, they…
Why not savour the amazing qualities of soybeans by making tofu at home!
Did you know that soybeans are largely indigestible? This is due to the presence of an enzyme inhibitor called protease trypsin inhibitor, which interferes with protein digestion. Soybeans also contain anti-nutritional…
This step-by-step guide will teach you all you need to know about fermenting water into lemonade with kefir grains. Lots of different flavours can be used for this basic recipe. Lets experiment and figure out which one is your favorite!
Summer has finally come to an end. For those in northern Sweden it means one thing: surströmming season is here! Now, before you go off and text your Swedish friend, “Why wasn’t I invited to the surströmmingsskiva?” you will definitely want to know more about this notorious Swedish dish.
The process of fermentation can be used to extend the shelf life of your vegetables, add flavour to your cheeses and even grow new bio-materials . Amsterdam pickling company Lepelboom wants you to join in on the art of fermentation and shares their "Willem" tafelzuur recipe. All you need are some…