
A La Mano

Neo Futurist Dinner 06 - Extending taste to Touch in six courses

26 Eyl 2018
29 Eyl 2018

In this six course dinner, Italian food designer Giulia Soldati and chef Tommaso Buresti present a culinary experience that extends taste to touch. No cutlery and plates are involved, instead our hands are used to enjoy food and to explore new food interactions. The traditional way of perceiving food is replaced by a new body language of dancing hands around the table, becoming a sensorial celebration of the action of eating, twirling spaghetti and breaking thin pastry with the fingers.  



Course One of Neo Futurist Dinner: A La Mano, a frozen drink! - Anisa Xhomaqi

Giulia Soldati

As a designer, Giulia Soldati uses food as a tool to explore the relationship with our bodies. In the modern West, we have created a lot of barriers between our sensory perception and the world around us. With A La Mano, she presents a new culinary experience and language that is closer to our essential sensorial experiences. 

Tommaso Buresti

Italian Chef Tommaso Buresti grew up in the kitchen of his fathers restaurant. He cooks as long as he can remember, and loved to experiment with food. His background in Industrial Design influenced the way in which he looked at food and experimentation. He approaches cooking as research, a trial of different factors, with a delicious end-product. Previously he cooked at Bird in Rotterdam. With Giulia Soldati, he sets out on a collaboration that not only brings great dishes, but a new culinary vocabulary and choreography as well. 


26-09-2018 'A La Mano' Tommaso Buresti is serving the pasta - 'A La Mano' ,  Giulia  Soldati and chef Tommaso Buresti present a culinary experience that extends taste to touch. No cutlery and plates are involved, instead our hands are used to enjoy food and to explore new food interactions. Anisa Xhomaqi

Neo-Futurist Dinners

In the Neo-Futurist Dinner series, Mediamatic invites different artists to present their vision for the food of the future. In this way, we question the way in which food, art, science and politics intertwine.


All Neo-Futurist Dinners are vegan. If you have questions or want to inform us about allergies, send an e-mail to


Neo-Futurist Dinner: a La Mano
26-27-28-29 September
Dinner starts at 19:30
Mediamatic, Dijksgracht 6, 1019 BS Amsterdam
Six course menu: Presale €49,- | Students €29,-* (excl. 1.10 administration costs) 
Surcharge for alcoholic beverage pairing: € 15,-

*We might ask for proof of registration and a student card at the door. 


Table is set and A La Mano is about to start - Anisa Xhomaqi


Cleansing hands with a piece of lime at Neo-Futurist Dinner: A La Mano test - Anisa Xhomaqi


Frozen drink is ready to serve at Neo-Futurist Dinner: A La Mano test - Anisa Xhomaqi


Adding some powder, lime and herbs to a soup bowl at Neo-Futurist Dinner: A La Mano test - Anisa Xhomaqi


Monai and Anne enjoying a good food during test Neo-Futurist Dinner: A La Mano - Anisa Xhomaqi


The second course is served A La Mano - For the sixth Neo Futurist Dinner, Giulia Soldati and Chef Tommaso Buresti designed a dinner that extended the experience of eating to the realm of touch.  Anisa Xhomaqi


Giulia serving a course two during Neo-Futurist Dinner: A La Mano - Anisa Xhomaqi


Tommaso serves pasta on special wooden structures for the third course of A La Mano - Anisa Xhomaqi


Tommaso pouring tomato sauce - Maxim Damper


Eating spaghetti with hands at test Neo-Futurist Dinner: A La Mano - Anisa Xhomaqi


Fourth course of A La Mano - Maxim Damper


A La Mano - Course Four - Maxim Damper


Course Five of Neo-Futurist Dinner: A La Mano, delicious endive with two sauces - Anisa Xhomaqi


Fifth Course's sauce for endives dipping - A La Mano - Maxim Damper


Cocktail with rose leaves at Neo-Futurist Dinner: A La Mano test - Anisa Xhomaqi


Mediamatic's staff enjoying course six of Neo-Futurist Dinner: A La Mano, dessert - Anisa Xhomaqi


Delicious dessert at a la Mano! - Maxim Damper


Discover eating pasta with your hands! - Tia Torok, Maxim Damper