The Cosplay Show Portrait Gallery
A few of the participants
15 portraits of dutch cosplayers.
For the full set of 50 cosplayers that I portrayed at Animecon 2006, see: this Flickr set.


Dong Jiao as Gothic Lolita - Mediamatic Cosplay Show 2006 photo by Willem Velthoven at Animecon 2006

Diana Sniekhout - Mediamatic Cosplay Show 2006 photo by Willem Velthoven

Hannah Rigby as uknown student in Battle Royale - Portrait at Animecon 2006.

Lindy Haubrich as Freya from Chobits - Mediamatic Cosplay show
Lindy Rose

Lex Hofland als Shampoo in Ranma - Mediamatic Cosplay Show photo by Willem Velthoven

Nicole Lamericks - Mediamatic Cosplay Show photo by Willem Velthoven at Animecon 2006