Ekim is an experienced researcher and designer in international urban design projects. Her hybrid worldview has been shaped by diverse cultural conditions of the east and west, islam and christianity, poverty and prosperity. Currently, besides running her practice TReC, Ekim writes her PhD thesis on ‘design and complexity’ at the Delft University of Technology [DUT] and the International New Towns Institute [INTI]. In 2010 she partners the Brussels based NGO citymine[d] with the EU project ‘Europe from the Bottom Up’
Ekim has been regularly teaching and lecturing worldwide; amongst which for the Aleppo University for Arts and Sciences, Rotterdam Architecture Academy, Amsterdam Architecture Academy, Copenhagen Business School, Middle East Technical University.

New Songdo: City in a Box
“New Towns, New Territories” conference organized by INTI hosted a session on New Songdo, a Korean city created in 1996 and hailed as one of the first truly “smart” cities of the 21st century.