Anya Subich
I am Anya, a magic realist and a normal librarian. Now about Balkan music, Rainbow gatherings and legends of Nishapur. Hanging around Gerrit Rietveld. I do creative writing, photography and videos.
Koert van Mensvoort
Artist and Philosopher
Koert van Mensvoort is an Artist and Philosopher who focuses on the human and environmental effects of technology.
Xiang Yu Yeung
Image-editor at Mediamatic
My name is Xiang, and my passion lies in creative visual expression. I am always striving to learn to express my creative and conceptual ideas better using the mediums of photography and illustration.
Emma Panini
Spatial designer
Grow up drawing leaves and flowers I studied art in Venice and spatial design in Rotterdam. In Mediamatic I worked for the Pis Project. How a peculiar theme as pee can make us talking about ecology
Psilocybe cubensis
The magic mushroom
Psilocybe cubensis is a species of psychedelic mushroom whose principal active compounds are psilocybin and psilocin . Commonly called shrooms, magic mushrooms, golden tops, cubes, or gold caps, it...
screening: Mediamatic Fabriek
Quantum transportation and vintage Fly
23Oct 2014If you could teleport today, where would you go? It might seem far fetched, but in this day and age teleportation is a serious topic of research instead of speculation. In fact, researchers at the...
Ni Nan
I'm a Beijinger born in China. I'm an exhibition internship. I graduated at KABK, Den Haag in Master of Interior Architecture. Obviously I'm a spatial designer and a scenographer,and I also do social...
Kunstfort Vijfhuizen
Symposium Schuld en Schaamte
12Oct 2014Project SWEEP onderzoekt hoe de noties van schuld, schaamte, goed en slecht met elkaar samenhangen en wat elk van het een in het ander doet omslaan.
Malcolm Kratz
post-growth transition, climate justice.
I’m Malcolm Kratz, my occupation is unknown. Not that it is a secret, merely because I don’t really know what I am. What I do know is that our society is fucked in the way its organised now. We're...
Mariana M. Balvanera
Spatial storyteller, interior architect, exhibition planner. Recently graduated from MA Narrative Environments at Central Saint Martins, she is interested in how space shapes our communities, our...
Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen
Op De Plaats Rust
14Sep 201430Sep 2014Van 14 sep. t/m 30 nov. vindt de tentoonstelling Op De Plaats Rust plaats in het Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen. De kunstenaars Danielle van Vree, Henriette Waal, Neeltje ten Westenend, Sil Krol, Francois...
by Rob Sweere
Heaven is an art installation created by Rob Sweere where two people can simultaneously enjoy the peace and quiet of the sky.
Kyra Delsing
I study interdisciplinary social sciences at the university of Utrecht and I am an (research and editorial) intern at Mediamatic.
Politieke lente
15Jun 2014Een middagprogramma waarin we met dichters en filosofen het fenomeen ‘politieke lente’ vanuit verschillende perspectieven onderzoeken.
Egil Asprem
Heterodoxologist in residence, University of California Santa Barbara
Anastasia Lvova
Université de Liège (Ingénieur de Gestion), University of Tartu (Fine Arts and Political Science), European Youth Parliament
Iva Buzhashka
Art Historian
Studied at Sofia University (Bachelor's in History), University of Rome La Sapienza (Cultural Studies), University of Copenhagen (Art History, Anthropology), New Bulgarian University (Master's in Art...
Slangenpand 8 Apr 2014
TA3M April
21Apr 2014You are invited to join Techno-Activism Third Mondays! TA3M is an informal meetup for techno-activists, hacktivists and anyone interested in free and open technology. The event takes place in...
Age of Wonder
28Mar 201430Mar 2014“The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion, which stands at the cradle of true art and true science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder
Age of Wonder | 28 - 30 maart in Eindhoven
28Mar 201430Mar 2014Age of Wonder is een nieuw festival in het Natlab in Eindhoven, dat wordt gehouden ter ere van het honderdjarig bestaan van deze geboorteplek van innovatie. Age of Wonder is moeilijk in hokjes te...