What is the nature of a 21st century human?
14Mar 2014This masterclass by Rachel Armstrong and Arne Hendriks raises questions that challenge our preconceptions about the nature of humanity in the 21st century.
book: Muriel Barbery
The Elegance of the Hedgehog
By the French novelist Muriel Barbery
The book follows events in the life of a concierge, Renée Michel, whose deliberately concealed intelligence is uncovered by an unstable but intellectually precocious girl named Paloma Josse. Paloma...
HEDAH - Sint Nicolaasstraat 7, Maastricht
Some Profound Misunderstanding at the Heart of…
17Jan 201423Feb 2014Hedah Contemporary Art Space and Jan Van Eyck, Maastricht, Jan 17 – Feb 23 OPENING WEEKEND ACTIVITIES Jan 15-20 Screening Session | Film works (selection) by Aleksander Komarov, 8.30pm January 15
Austin Emerson
I am a musician, writer and engineer. Basically I am interested in the process of translating an idea into actuality.
Klaas Hummel
Freelance vrijwilliger en fotograaf
Hallo! Ik ben Klaas Hummel en dit is mijn Mediamatic profiel. Ik ben geboren in IJmuiden en woon en heb gestudeerd in Amsterdam. Ik ben freelance vrijwilliger en werk bij verschillende...
Rosa Kieft
From February 2014 till May 2017 I was programme manager at Mediamatic. I like art, design and architecture and I like it even better when there is bio in front of it.
Ivan Cadre
Muziekmaker, illustratie, samenleving en gebondenheid. Werkend en wonend in Amsterdam.
HEDAH - Sint Nicolaasstraat 7, Maastricht
Across Our Horizons
5Oct 201327Oct 2013“defined as an interwoven network of interpersonal communication, society is a dream created so realistically by language.”
exhibition: Mediamatic Fabriek
16Sep 201322Dec 2013In September Mediamatic opened up its space to people in the Netherlands who wanted to support the protestors in Turkey. Weekly meetings resulted in the idea to turn Mediamatic's exhibition space...
Ellen Harder (en)
PARK participant
During my studies in Fine Arts in Enschede and Zwolle i realized my qualities weren't making art but organizing the things around art. Like exhibitions, events, promotion and so forth. Right now my...
De Balie
Nederland Feestjesland
23Sep 2013Waar komt ons verlangen naar samen gedragen, vaak onbeheersbare emotie, toch vandaan? Welke rol spelen de media in het instigeren en opkloppen van die volkswoede of -vreugde?
De Balie, Amsterdam
Anthony Grayling
29Aug 2013Bekend Brits filosoof in debat met Frits Bolkestein, Paul Cliteur en Meindert Fennema.
Irini Pigaditi
Graphic Designer @ Mediamatic
freelance Graphic Designer at Mediamatic.
Open Coop
Zo niet, dan toch!
29Jun 2013The mobile hackathon will take place 2 months before the festival Zo niet, dan toch. Amsterdam Noord will transform into a temporary creative lab in public and virtual space. Zo niet, dan toch!
Project Wildeman
This four-men tribe from Amsterdam is known for its highly energetic and physical music performances. They easily mix corporate poetry with African percussion, frantic pagan dances with robotic Euro...
Mediamatic Fabriek
3أيار / مايو 201312أيار / مايو 2013Creating an opera for the societies of tomorrow - getting involved in a social experiment. This was an open call for all singers, musicians, ensembles and choirs (both, professional and amateur...
Cutting edge lightness
Almost nothing as the bottom line
It is an intriguing challenge to memorably launch lightness.
Wijsgerig festival DRIFT 2013
6Apr 2013Zijn wij de dingen de baas of de dingen ons? Schikken de dingen zich naar de wil van de mens of hebben ook dingen een geheime agenda en de kracht ons te beïnvloeden? Sta stil, zoek het uit