Meet a Maker - Virgile Durando

2 أيار / مايو 2023

Are you in need of some artistic input or discussion partner on your project? Virgile Durando is open for a creative consultation and discussing ideas. 



Virgile Durando, the knotweed craftsman, at work. - Credits: Iris Rijskamp.

Meet a Maker

At Mediamatic, we are lucky to be inspired by the many artists who work and stay with us for exhibitions, residencies and workshops on a daily basis. 

We are welcoming you to Mediamatic to meet artists and be inspired as well!

Meet-a-maker is a 30 min session to have a one-on-one talk with artists currently working at Mediamatic.

Do you want to learn more about an artist's works, from the artists themselves? Do you want to talk about your project with an artist whose work was an inspiration of yours? Come meet and talk with the artist.

Who is this for?

Are you interested in the intersection between design and nature? Do you want to learn more about how repurposing through design can change the way we view invasive species? Are you looking for fresh insight on your artistic research? Do you need to talk through a concept, or receive some honest advice on your project? The conversations with Virgile are meant for anyone who has a special interest in design and sustainability. 

During the session, you will have a 30-minute consultation with Virgile to discuss anything relating to your work: any ideas you may have, or challenges you may be facing. You can expect an honest, invigorating conversation, which leaves you with plenty of food for thought.

About the artist


Virgile Durando

Virgile Durando is a Product/Material designer and researcher from France with a focus on sustainability. Durando is a Cum Laude alumni from the Design Academy Eindhoven and has worked with several materials we consider as waste. One of the key materials they have worked with is the Japanese Knotweed. Durando has done several projects on this ‘invasive’ species and has actively worked on reimagining a different future for the unwanted plant. Be that through researching its unpopular place in Dutch culture and society or through finding new design purposes for the plant.

During the Japanese knotweed festival, Virgile is hosting an interactive exhibition titled Weaving Japanese knotweed. Read more about it here



When purchasing a ticket, you can choose a time between 13:00 and 16:00.
Artists/Students discount 7,50€ | Full price 10€
We give a discount to students, artists and Stadspas holders. If this applies to you we might ask to see your kvk nr/portfolio or student card for this option.

Virgile speaks English and French. 

For questions please e-mail

Read our ticket terms and conditions here.