Aquaponics Press Material
Footage and info
Mediamatic is exploring aquaponics as an alternative food production method in the city. Aquaponics is the cultivation of plants and fish in a sustainable, recirculating eco-system.
We have designed several aquaponics installations, which profit from all the benefits of large-scale sustainable food production, but on a human scale. The installations are featured in exhibitions, but we also organize workshops to introduce people and organizations to this system.
Feel free to use these pictures, but don't forget to include the photographer and Mediamatic in the credit line.
General info: Saro Van Cleynenbreugel. PR, press and partner requests can be sent to

Building the Miniponics - Testing the first smaller aquaponics system at Mediamatic Fabriek.

Het Miniponics systeem wordt getest -

A full Miniponics system - A miniponics system has many floors

Building the 4-storey Aquaponics tower - Tijdens de Aquaponics Workshop van 26 mei.

Measuring and preparing IBC for the Aquaponics tower - During the Aquaponics workshop