Hackers Camp Day 7 Today is the second day of Picnic and all the projects are fine-tuned and as bug free as possible. The atmosphere is a bit more festive and less official. Loud (terrible cheesy) music is heard in the...
Hackers Camp Day 6 The first day of Picnic is stressful, a bit chaotic and maybe a tat frustrating, but we are inside Gashouder building and things are starting to work out. The space is great. Floors are covered with...
Hackers Camp Day 5 Time is running out. There’s some stress in the air and the language is getting slightly heavier. All the projects should be build and running by tomorrow. Participants went home around 2 in the...
Hackers Camp Day 3 Although Day 2 ended @2 in the morning, Day 3 started with a coffee as early as 9:30. All concepts are ready. Basic framework and code are in place. Most of the equipment and material is purchased...
Hackers Camp Day 4 Day 2 ended @ 2 in the morning and Day 3@ 3 in the morning, the longest night so far. Will Day 4 beat the record? All projects are progressing and looks like our teams will meet their deadlines. Last...
Hackers Camp Day 2 Sunny Day 2 started with a meeting exploring potential project ideas. Out of 15 original ideas a bunch seem to be the most promising. The ones that generate the most enthusiasm from team members...
Image: Daria Perevezentsev Publiek bij de opening van Kiki on Steroids Vrijdag 17 oktober was de feestelijke opening van de nieuwe tentoonstelling Kiki on Steroids! Met ruim 350 bezoekers was het een groot succes. Kiki on Steroids! gaat over transgender en...
Image: Daria at Opening The Great Jerry Springer Rodeo This photo was taken using the Mediamatic IkCam .
Image: Daria at Opening The Great Jerry Springer Rodeo This photo was taken using the Mediamatic IkCam .
Image: Daria at Opening The Great Jerry Springer Rodeo This photo was taken using the Mediamatic IkCam .