Dr. Kristof Vrancken is a visual artist, researcher and lecturer at LUCA School of Arts,
where he has been teaching and researching Hybrid media, Artistic Research, and
Experimental Photography since 2008. He is also a member of the research group IMS (The
Institute for Media Studies – KULeuven) and X-Lab (UHasselt). His research mainly focuses
on visualizing ecological issues through organic and photographic methods. In his artistic
PhD project "The Sustainist Gaze", which he defended in 2022, Kristof searched for
strategies to visualize and agitate against the Anthropocene. He combines various
disciplines, including photography, biology, science and participatory design processes. As
part of the Inter-Actions research unit, he coordinates the "Future Framing Research
Collective", which focuses on image-making at the intersection of art, science and

Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Looking back at the Japanese Knotweed Symposium
Knotweed on a pedestal
We look back at a two-day gathering with researchers, designers, and artists, which aimed to explore Japanese knotweed and our relationship with this contested plant. Japanese knotweed was put on a...