Shintaro Miyazaki


DSCN0176.jpg - gig in Bullet's, Tokyo, Japan

Shintaro Miyazaki (Mediatheorist, Curator and Soundartist), born 1980 in Berlin has spend his youth in Basel (Switzerland) and has studied Media Studies (Media Theory + Media Art Studies), Musicology and Philosophy at the University of Basel (M.A.). He has also studied in Berlin (Humboldt University + Technical University). Since May 2007 he is working for his PhD Project at Humboldt University Berlin (Prof. Dr. W. Ernst). Miyazaki's main interest are: media theory and archeology, sonic/acoustic not visual theory of "the digital", sound art, visual music, media art, curation, contemporary art, experimental laptop music, contemporary japan and cultural management.

Contact information

  • Shintaro Miyazaki