Maki Ueda studied media art under Masaki Fujihata at The Environmental Information Department (B.A. 1997, M.A. 1999), Keio University, Japan. She received a grant from the Japanese government in 2000 and from the POLA Art Foundation in 2007. She has been based in The Netherlands since 2002. Nominated for The World Technology Awards Category: Art (NY, USA) in 2009, she occasionally teaches and gives workshops on olfactory art at ArtScience Interfaculty of The Royal Academy of Art and Royal Conservatory The Hague (NL), and at Willem de Kooning Art Academy (NL). Recently, Maki Ueda's Olfactory Games became a finalist for the 2018 Art and Olfaction Awards.

Scented encounters
Considered the first comprehensive exploration of the history of scent, the book Aroma. The cultural history of smell opens with the sentence: ‘Smell is a social phenomenon, invested with particular...