The street pigeon in Amsterdam is an icon with many faces. For some, it is a reassuring sound in the morning, for others its a nuisance that occupies window frames or throws itself in front of your bicycle wheel. We all have an opinion about pigeons, but how much do we actually know about them? It is estimated that we share the city with an average of 15,000 pigeons; birds with an unerring memory, a mysterious talent for coordination and true omnivores. In collaboration with Pauline Wiersema, Mediamatic questions how we relate to the city's animals. This leads to an artistic campaign that calls for embracing the pigeon as it is: an urban adventurer and companion for everything and everyone, who has earned a lasting place in this urban ecosystem. People could use a little more pigeon love.
Pauline Wiersema is a Dutch social practice artist that designs artistic campaigns to communicate sociopolitical messages. She specialises in accessible, creative concepts 'fully of the social', with the help of a self-developed HUH method. It brings together a fine mix of confusion, humour, participation - and a bit of activism.
You will see the Roekoe Pigeon Campaign spread around Amsterdam from 24th of October 2022 till Museum Night