Hildegard von Bingen's Herbs of Joy - WO Assistant checklist

with Lynn Shore

In Hildegard von Bingen's Herbs of Joy, Lynn Shore shares recipes which brings you joy!

The workshop starts with a nice presentation from Lynn, accompanied by tasting the drinks and food Lynn made based on the recipe of Hildegard. After that participants will create their own Happiness Remedy with the material Lynn brings.

As a workshop assistant, your role is to make sure all the materials are there, order missing materials, scan tickets and help Lynn if needed. Don't hesitate to print this assistant checklist and have it with you on the day of the workshop! 

As the assistant, you are also welcome to be part of the workshop and enjoy the wonderful tastes and knowledge of Hildegard.

Here is some information about ticketing when you are a workshop assistant.


Participants crafting herbal infusions - Hildegard von Bingen's Herbs of Joy Workshop


General information about the workshop

Time: ~4h (1h prep + 2.5h during + 0.5 clean up)

Location: The LapLab
Tutor: Lynn Shore + (Tamara)
Phone number: +31 (0)6 275 969 30
Email: urban.herbology.lynn@gmail.com

Material checklist

For this workshop, you will need:

For Lynn's Presentation:

  • Screen for presentation (Mounted in LapLab)
  • HDMI cable
  • Computer (you may use the one from the Workshop manager)
  • Adaptor (HDMI/USB/Lighting)

For Participants:

  • Table and Stools
  • 1 p.p. Recipe [To be printed] 
  • 1 p.p. Pens [Workshop box/ Office]
  • 2 drinking Glasses p.p. [Bar] (this is used for tasting the multiple drinks Lynn brings)
  • 2 A carafe of water [Bar]
  • List of equipment used at the workshop
  • Chopping boards [Clean Lab]
  • Scissors [LapLab, Make sure to not use the Fabric Scissors]
  • Small glass jars and lids [LapLab] (2 jars p.p. to take home liquid, pasty thing, 100 ml )
  • Mixing bowls (white bowls for staff lunch from kitchen[Kitchen]
  • Spoons [Bar/Staff Cutlery]


To-Do List

Before the workshop

Prepare in the week before:

  1. Check if we have enough glass jars.
  2. Print the handouts.
  3. Prepare the room and other supplies in the LapLab.

On the day itself

Be there an hour before the workshop and start to:

  1. Make sure the room is nice and tidied up / Help the tutor to set up the room.
  2. Get water and glasses for the participants.

Be there to welcome participants and scan the tickets.


During the Workshop

Take photos of the workshop: This can be, for example, overview photos, photos of the product, and photos of the participants. When taking photos of participants, remember to ask for permission.

After the Workshop:

  1. Clean up with Lynn and Tamara.
  2. Put everything in the Workshop box or other designated places.